February 19:


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February 19: Book ?: Completely Random.

So this is a random page from a book I got called Anti Journal. It’s book by David Sinden and Nikalas Catlow.

It’s a really neat book, and if you like doodling, and doing random things, then this book is for you.

Medium: acrylic paint


February 10:


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February 10: Book 4: Uprooted

Quote: Okay, so as you can see this page is covered in words and I don’t feel like re-writing them all out. The quote, is from a book called Uprooted by Naomi Novik. It’s a really great book. It’s more of an olden style writing, as well as the setting, its magical with wizards and dragons. And normally it’s not my type of book but it was really good and I definitely recommend it.

This part is near the ending, and it’s not actually one entire section, it’s bits and pieces, so if you actually intend on reading the book don’t read the background words.

This is like a three part series. It’s this page and two more.

Medium: permanent marker.




Uprooted by Naomi Novik